Maida Vale School takes a modern approach to every aspect of School life. Maida Vale School is founded on a clearly defined ethos which is underpinned by our learning and pastoral values.
Our learning values of resilience; creativity and problem-solving; supporting and inspiring others; and reflection, inform the language of learning at the School. Our pastoral values of mutual respect, compassion, tolerance, and community responsibility are central to a School where, who you are matters.
Our staff work in partnership with both Pupil and Parents to promote Pupil success, well-being and happiness. A rich and broad curriculum delivered within a caring and nurturing environment produces confident and happy young people achieving excellent academic results.
Within the Gardener Schools Group, we have successfully shown that a modern approach can bring about change for the better. Adolescents now mature socially and emotionally at a younger age and an appropriate learning environment must reflect this. Our Pupils must leave school as resilient, self-reliant young people who can problem solve creatively and understand group dynamics. These skills and values will equip our Pupils for life in the 21st century.
Maida Vale School is an energising, demanding and nurturing place to be. I look forward to welcoming you through our doors.